A Sexual Culture of Justice Project
Community-University Collaboration
Led by The UWI, Institute for Gender and Development Studies
Project Lead Researcher: Dr. Angelique Nixon (Lecturer, The UWI-IGDS)
Successful Award for “Respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms in Trinidad and Tobago” Human Rights Grant, European Commission, Trinidad and Tobago Delegation
A Sexual Culture of Justice: Strengthening LGBTQI & GBV Partnerships, Capacity & Efficacy to Promote & Protect Rights in T&T is an activity-based, human rights project funded by the European Union and implemented by The University of the West Indies, Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS). The project began in April 2017 and was extended to and completed in March 2021. The formal partners included six LGBTI and feminist Civil Society Organisations in Trinidad and Tobago: CAISO, Friends for Life, I Am One, The Silver Lining Foundation, Womantra and the Women’s Caucus. Other local and regional partners included the Caribbean IRN, Caribbean Male Action Network, the Equal Opportunity Commission, Say Something TT, and Trinidad & Tobago Transgender Coalition.
This community-university collaboration provided four years of support for some of the longest-standing and newest local efforts to transform approaches to partner violence, homophobia, bullying and policing, while building partnerships and organisational capacity (especially for small CSOs). Overall, this project produced new local/regional analysis and solutions for ways to approach gender based violence and LGBTI discrimination. These approaches were best seen through the intersectional action campaigns, education materials, training toolkits and workshops, as well as the research activities that produced data needed to support calls for gender and sexual justice policy and legislative changes. The methodology of our activities were rooted in transformational education, empowerment, Caribbean feminist praxis, and self-directed and creative action. The suite of linked activities were connected through the four main objectives of the project and through work packages. (See Activities page for descriptions and check out the website for outputs of the project!)